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Group renews push for hike in sugary drinks

With over 11 million Nigerians grappling with Type2 diabetes and facing challenges in accessing essential medication, the National Action on Sugar Reduction (NASR) coalition is initiating a public service announcement (PSA) advocating for the Nigerian government to raise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs).

Since 2018, Nigeria has implemented a tax of N10 per litre on SSBs but the coalition is advocating for a N130 per liter tax on sugared drinks.

Spokesperson of the NASR coalition, Omei Bongos, said the PSA becomes imperative considering that Nigeria is currently one of the largest consumers of soft drinks in Africa and ranks seventh globally.

In a statement, Bongos emphasized that the advocacy campaign is a crucial component of the ongoing efforts to address the escalating rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes in Nigeria.

The campaign specifically targets the Nigerian government, urging them to raise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages.

She said the primary goal of the PSA is to enlighten Nigerians about the detrimental impacts of consuming such beverages, as they significantly contribute to obesity and various non-communicable diseases.

"With more than 11 million Nigerians suffering from type 2 diabetes and struggling to afford necessary medication, this campaign highlights the urgent need for policymakers to take action.

"Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is not just a personal choice; it has far-reaching consequences on public health. By increasing the SSB tax, we can reduce consumption and ultimately save lives.

"The current tax rate of N10 per litre falls below World Health Organization recommendations and is ineffective in curbing consumption.

"This PSA serves as a call-to-action for government officials to prioritize public health by implementing policies that will protect citizens from preventable diseases associated with excessive sugar intake," Bongos noted.

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